In this adaptation of Tolstoy's story the Wurdulak, a mentally ill patient known as Nicola flashes back to horrifying experiences that he encountered while driving through the country. Upon damaging his car, Nicola sets out for help, only to meet a mysterious family that lives in total fear of...
Inside the Kit Kat Club of 1931 Berlin, starry-eyed singer Sally Bowles and an impish emcee sound the clarion call to decadent fun, while outside a certain political party grows into a brutal force.
Documentary about marijuana use, culture and law enforcement by future porn superstar director Alex de Renzy.
Big Bird Cage, The
Women rebel against slave labor in a filthy jungle prison where they feed sugar cane to a mechanical maw.
Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick, The
Goalkeeper Josef Bloch is sent off after committing a foul during an away game. This causes him to lose his bearings, and he wanders aimlessly through the city streets and spends the night with the box-office attendant of a movie theatre.
Summertime Killer
During his childhood, a boy sees four men drown his father; now, the grown young man makes it his business to kill each member of the foursome. His last killing presents him with some challenges, as his victim is only wounded. He kidnaps the man's daughter and goes to...
All the Way Boys
The "Trinity" crew makes another modern era film. Plata and Salud are pilots ditching aircraft for insurance money. They wind up crashing for real in the jungles of South America. The plot involves "Mr. Big", who is buying the diamonds from the miners for much too little, and has...
Devil, The
Young Polish nobleman Jakub is saved from imprisonment by a stranger. In return, the stranger wants to obtain a list of Jakub’s fellow conspirators. As he follows his mysterious savior across the country, Jakub is affected by the overall chaos and moral corruption; he goes insane and becomes a...
Third Part of the Night, The
Set during the Nazi occupation of Poland, in which Michal witnesses the murder of his mother, wife and child. He is hurled into a life that literally is not his own; a surreal world littered with trapdoors, doppelgängers and wormholes. It also tells the true untold story of a...
Billy Pilgrim, a veteran of the Second World War, finds himself mysteriously detached from time, so that he is able to travel, without being able to help it, from the days of his childhood to those of his peculiar life on a distant planet called Tralfamadore, passing through his...
The relation between the filters you can choose from above is “AND” – not “OR“. This allows you to make your search query as detailed as possible.
Example: when you select Director=”Sidney Lumet”, Genre=”Drama”, Film Theme I=”DRAMA THEMES_Courtroom/Legal” and hit the search button without selecting other filters, the search results will show you drama films directed by Sidney Lumet that fit the Courtroom/Legal theme of that specific genre. It will not show you other films directed by Sidney Lumet that do not fit those filters, nor will it show you courtroom drama’s directed by someone else. The more filters you select, the narrower your search, the fewer results you will get.
Please note all film themes are custom made by me, so there is a lot of flexibility involved when assigning films to a specific theme. Not all films have been assigned to a film theme or the other filters – this is a slow, time-consuming work in continuous progress.
All combined I have a total of 2518 movies in my film library, regrouped in 1389 collections and 44 genres.