In this classic drama, Vicky Page is an aspiring ballerina torn between her dedication to dance and her desire to love. While her imperious instructor, Boris Lermontov, urges to her to forget anything but ballet, Vicky begins to fall for the charming young composer Julian Craster. Eventually Vicky, under...
Michael Powell
Peeping Tom
Loner Mark Lewis works at a film studio during the day and, at night, takes racy photographs of women. Also he's making a documentary on fear, which involves recording the reactions of victims as he murders them. He befriends Helen, the daughter of the family living in the apartment...
Age of Consent
An elderly artist thinks he has become too stale and is past his prime. His friend (and agent) persuades him to go to an offshore island to try once more. On the island he re-discovers his muse in the form of a young girl.
The relation between the filters you can choose from above is “AND” – not “OR“. This allows you to make your search query as detailed as possible.
Example: when you select Director=”Sidney Lumet”, Genre=”Drama”, Film Theme I=”DRAMA THEMES_Courtroom/Legal” and hit the search button without selecting other filters, the search results will show you drama films directed by Sidney Lumet that fit the Courtroom/Legal theme of that specific genre. It will not show you other films directed by Sidney Lumet that do not fit those filters, nor will it show you courtroom drama’s directed by someone else. The more filters you select, the narrower your search, the fewer results you will get.
Please note all film themes are custom made by me, so there is a lot of flexibility involved when assigning films to a specific theme. Not all films have been assigned to a film theme or the other filters – this is a slow, time-consuming work in continuous progress.
All combined I have a total of 2476 movies in my film library, regrouped in 1383 collections and 44 genres.