In Kabuki style, the film tells the story of a remote mountain village where the scarcity of food leads to a voluntary but socially-enforced policy in which relatives carry 70-year-old family members up Narayama mountain to die. Granny Orin is approaching 70, content to embrace her fate. Her widowed...
Keisuke Kinoshita
The relation between the filters you can choose from above is “AND” – not “OR“. This allows you to make your search query as detailed as possible.
Example: when you select Director=”Sidney Lumet”, Genre=”Drama”, Film Theme I=”DRAMA THEMES_Courtroom/Legal” and hit the search button without selecting other filters, the search results will show you drama films directed by Sidney Lumet that fit the Courtroom/Legal theme of that specific genre. It will not show you other films directed by Sidney Lumet that do not fit those filters, nor will it show you courtroom drama’s directed by someone else. The more filters you select, the narrower your search, the fewer results you will get.
Please note all film themes are custom made by me, so there is a lot of flexibility involved when assigning films to a specific theme. Not all films have been assigned to a film theme or the other filters – this is a slow, time-consuming work in continuous progress.
All combined I have a total of 2518 movies in my film library, regrouped in 1389 collections and 44 genres.