An interview with a WWII Red Cross official who wrote a glowing report on a Jewish ghetto-cum-death camp.
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A place: Theresienstadt. A unique place of propaganda which Adolf Eichmann called the "model ghetto", designed to mislead the world and Jewish people regarding its real nature, to be the last step before the gas chamber. A man: Benjamin Murmelstein, last president of the Theresienstadt Jewish Council, a fallen...
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A Claude Lanzmann documentary about one uprising by Jews in a Nazi-run concentration camp taken from his Shoah interviews.
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A powerful new film about Jan Karski, the Polish resistance figure who attempted to expose the Warsaw Ghetto and Belzec, and met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter.
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Various aspects of the Holocaust, as told entirely through interviews with survivors, witnesses, and ex-Nazis.
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Since 1999, Claude Lanzmann has made several films that could be considered satellites of Shoah, comprised of interviews conducted in the 1970s that didn’t make it into the final, monumental work. He has just completed a series of four new films, built around four women from four different areas...
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